Criminal Litigation

Our firm provides specialised advice on economic crimes, tax crimes, cybercrime, violation of anti-corruption laws, assets laundering, violations of both industrial and intellectual property laws, environmental crimes, sexual crimes, traffic accidents, and negligence cases, among others.

Considering the above, we provide advice as defence attorneys and plaintiffs, representing people, companies, and public institutions. Thus, we develop our services bearing the judicial level as well as extrajudicial, carrying out investigations within companies and public organizations, generating crime prevention strategies, and legal reports to deliver a holistic service.

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Administrative Litigation

We provide legal counsel in administrative law, representing individuals, businesses, and public institutions in administrative proceedings, disciplinary actions, and sanctions, as well as in the challenge of administrative acts and the resolution of administrative disputes. We manage permits, licenses, and concessions and act in proceedings related to the State’s financial liability.

We defend our clients before the Public Administration, the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic, and Ordinary Courts with Administrative Jurisdiction, as well as before Administrative Bodies with Jurisdictional Powers and Special Administrative Justice Courts, ensuring protection against sanctions. Additionally, we prepare legal reports, conduct administrative audits, and carry out internal investigations to prevent conflicts.

Our team of attorneys specialized in administrative law offers strategic and effective solutions to ensure the legality of administrative actions.

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Labour Disputes

We provide our clients specialised advice on labour law, to achieve a complete compliance with labour and social security regulations.

Moreover, our law firm considers representation and defence in labour lawsuits, related to unfair dismissals, labour relationships, violation of fundamental rights, self-dismissal, work accidents, anti-union practices, claims on administrative penalties, among others.

Likewise, our clients have representation in administrative instances under Law Inspection and the opportunity to have advise in other practise areas.

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Other Practice Areas

With the aim of providing a comprehensive service, our team offers advisory services in strategic communication, as well as in the development of innovation and creativity projects. Additionally, through various collaborative alliances, we work in the areas of Civil Law, Family Law, Succession Law, Real Estate Law, among others.

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